Standards for Excellence Resources are Coming to the Lehigh Valley!
Want to learn ways to improve your organization’s operational effectiveness and governance practices?
Join MMS Advancement Associates President Marcella Schick and other trainers for the upcoming 2-day Standards for Excellence Implementation Workshop.
Tuesday, March 27 & Tuesday, April 17 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Pinebrook Family Answers, Allentown, PA
As a trained and approved Standards consultant, Marci regularly references Standards for Excellence resources. The materials are available to all clients who are PANO members or participate in the Standards training. The Standards materials can also be purchased from PANO to address particular concerns. This is a very cost-effective way for small and medium-size non-profits to get the information they need to establish best practices.
As an example, Marci recently guided a client to the Standards packet that provides a sample fundraising and gift acceptance policy. Every organization should have such a policy approved by its board to guide fundraising practices. The Standards for Excellence packet on “Fundraising, Solicitation, Acceptance of Gifts, and Working with Donors” provides sample materials and an excellent review of the legal and regulatory requirements for all nonprofits raising charitable gifts in Pennsylvania.
Attendees will receive a flash drive with the Word versions of the 27 Standards for Excellence resource packets. In addition to fundraising, areas of nonprofit management and governance are covered in depth. PANO encourages two people from each organization to attend both days in order to enhance the value and impact of the program.
Registration and other details can be found at Lehigh Valley Standards for Excellence Implementation Workshop.
Applying the Standards for Excellence can be self-guided, structured or a combination. If you need help implementing Standards for Excellence in your organization, MMS Advancement can work with you on one or more of the areas. We can also guide you through the optional accreditation and recognition process.
Contact MMS Advancement Associates at 610-820-7620 for your fundraising, strategic planning and nonprofit management consulting needs!