Grant Research and Writing
Raising money through grants is an important part of an organization’s fundraising program. Successful grant proposals are a result of a comprehensive process that begins with targeted research and ends with good stewardship of grant awards. Our consultants have years of experience delivering successful grant proposals. MMS Advancement Associates LLC will help your organization develop a strong grant program that includes policies and procedures, a compelling case statement, effective research techniques, and strong proposal writing and reporting.
“I have learned so much about grants from working with you and am very grateful for your time and expertise you have shared with me. You have been affirming and encouraging and I appreciate that more than you know.”
Susan Stone
Director of Development & PR
United Church Homes and Services
Grant Research and Writing Process
Our effective grant-seeking approach ensures that your needs align with a funder’s priorities. We will:
- Conduct an assessment of your grant program;
- Establish an effective grant process based on your organization’s specific needs;
- Develop a compelling case statement for foundation and corporate funders;
- Conduct research to identify potential funding opportunities;
- Write or edit grant proposals and assist with on-line submissions.
Whether your organization is new to grant solicitation or needs additional assistance, we can help you develop a more targeted and effective program. We work closely with your staff to help them gain expertise and confidence to further develop your grants program based on best practices. For smaller organizations, our highly experienced consultants can assist with all phases of the grant process.
Contact us to discuss your grant research and writing needs.